Saturday, October 9, 2010

[news] Rainbow members Jisuk and JaeKyung predebut photo's garners attention

دو تا اعضاي گروهه رينبو (همون رنگين كمان) عكس هاي قديميشونو منتشر كردن
اين عكسا توجه خيلي ها رو جلب كرده چون همون طور كه مي بينيد خيلي فرق كردن
ليدر گروه يعني جاه كيونگ ( اولي )  الان خيلي قشنگ شده
ودومين عكس جيسوك كه به خاطره شباهتش به ليدره سوني ها يعني تاهيون توجه خيلي ها رو جذب كرده بود اين دفعه به خاطره تغييري كه كرده موضوع صحبت شده
همون طور كه مي بينين واقعا زشت بوده

نمي دونم اينا چيكار مي كنن اين قدر قشنگ مي شن
يعني همشون جراحي مي كنن ؟؟؟   

Rainbows pre debut photo's are garnering much attention especially their graduation pictures.

Photo's of Rainbow's leader Jae Kyung has been surfacing around internet community sites. She has been given compliments admiring her pre debut photo's and her present looks. Some commented that she has a "doll like features".

Also, Rainbow member Kim Jisuk who has gained attention for looking like SNSD's Taeyeon is again being the topic of controversy among netizens.

Graduation photo's of Jisuk has surfaced and netizens are saying that Jisuk looks slightly different from the past and now.

Netizens commented, "Jisuk's face shape is different from the past", "It is something that become excessive".

Meanwhile, Rainbow recently made their comeback with "A".

Source: TV Daily
Credits: Blueprincess824 @

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