Tuesday, August 24, 2010

SISTAR reveals comeback teaser photos

سیستار عکس کامبکشو منتشر کرد
Recently, it was reported that girl group SISTAR would make their comeback with their second single album, titled, Shady Girl, and a comeback teaser photo of group member Hyorin was revealed.
Today, more teaser photos were revealed, but this time with all the members of SISTAR.

The teaser photos have a concept of ‘Before & After’. In the top photo, the girls are seen with casual clothes, along with their messy hair. In the ‘after’ photo, below the ‘before’ photo, the girls have transformed, as their style is now from the 60s.

A representative of their agency stated, “On the 25th, SISTAR will release their second single, ‘Shady Girl’, as well as have their first showcase. Like the concept of ‘Before & After’, SISTAR will show their new look in their comeback.

دیروز یه عکس از هیو رین پست کردم و گفتم که گروه سیستار کامبک کنن و دومین سینگلشون منتشر بشه 
خوب امروز دو تا عکس دیگه منتشر شد که این دفه مال کل گروهه
توی اولین عکس خترا با سر و روی ژولیدن کو رود عکس هم نوشته قبل
ولی توی عکس دوم شیک شدن و لباساشونم مال قدیمه و رویه عکس هم نوشته بعد

گروه سیستار قراره 25 ام برگردن

P Translate:isak@aakpop.blogspot.com

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