
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Girl’s Day reveals its two new members!

گروه گرلز دي با اين كه تازه كارشونو شروع كردن  همين اول كاري اعضاي گروهو عوض كردن 
چند روز پيش اعلام كردن كه گروهو ترك مي كنن Ji Sun and Ji Inدو تا از اعضاي گروه
جي سو قراره به تحصيل تو رشته موسيقي ادامه بده و جي اين مي خواهد به رشته بازيگري بره و اين رشته رو به عنوانه حرفش ادامه بده
برا همين كمپاني گرلز دي بعد از 5 روز از خبر رفتن اون دو تا از گروه ،حالا اعضاي جديدشو معرفي كرد 
 Yura (Kim Ah Young)عضو اول: اسمش
سنش 18 و سال سوم دبيرستانه ،قدش 168 سانتي متر و وزنش 49 كيلو
مهارت اون توي بدن پرانژي شه
Haeri (Lee Haeri)عضو دوم: اسمش
سنش 16 و سال اول دبيرستان ،قدش 166 سانت و وزنش 46 كيلو
مهارت اون تو دوي ماراتونه

برا چند تا عكس از اين دو عضو جديد برين ادامه

After girl group Girl’s Day lost two of its members on the 12th, DreamTea Entertainment went out searching for replacements for Ji Sun and Ji In. Five days later, they’ve already found the newest members, and revealed their names and profiles!
Joining Girl’s Day will be 18-year-old Yura (Kim Ah Young) and 16 year old Haeri (Lee Haeri).
Yura is in her 3rd year of high school and stands at 168cm, weighing 49kg and her dynamic body is said to be her greatest skill. Haeri is slightly smaller at 166cm in height and 46kg in weight; she is currently in her first year of high school, and running marathons is her specialty.
A representative of the group said,
“We’re sorry for worrying everyone about the departure of our members and the transition of new ones. We will try improving our group as diligently as we did finding these new members.”
Girl’s Day is currently participating in MBC’s “Flower Bouquet and plans to begin their activities soon.

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