
Thursday, September 16, 2010

BoA to make a radical transformation for her comeback

خوب بوآ قراره به زودي آلبوم ري پكيج شو منتشر كنه
اين آلبوم دو تا آهنگه جديد داره
عوض شده‘Hurrican Venus’اين دفعه بوآ توي عكسي كه ازش برا اين آلبوم منتشر كره به طور كامل از آهنگ
اون 27 سپتامبر(5مهر)آلبومشو منتشر مي كنه و 24 سپتامبر (2 مهر ) آهنگشو تو برنامه ميوزيك بنك كي بي سي مي خونه

اي كاش اون روز بتونم ميوزيك بنكو نگا كنم

Korean superstar BoA celebrated her 10th anniversary as a musician with her comeback album, ‘Hurricane Venus‘. It’s just been released that she will undergo a radical transformation to accompany her re-packaged 6th album.
‘Hurrican Venus’ is BoA’s first Korean promotion in five years, as she took a hiatus to pursue her activities in Japan and the U.S. The re-packaged album is said to include two new tracks, though which you will truly feel the color and charisma of BoA’s music once again.
BoA’s re-packaged album will be released on the 27th, and promotions begin on the 24th with a performance on KBS’ “Music Bank“.


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