
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Xiah Junsu dishes on his upcoming musical

جون سو از گروهه دونگيا " تي وي اكس كيو" داره براي جديد ترين ميوزيكالش آماداه مي شه
چند تا سوال و چواب ازش + چند تا عكس از تمرينش براتون گذاشتم 
پس برين ادامه
ترجمش كردم  ، پس نظر و راي فراموش نشه لطفا
من ترجمش كردم ولي اصلشم گذاشتم اگه يه جاشو اشتباه معني كردم حتما به من بگين

Xiah Junsu is the first ever idol to prepare a musical concert with his own name headlining it.
Perhaps such is the reason why he’s working harder than ever preparing for his four day musical, set to begin on October 7th. Junsu will be working alongside musical stars such as Seo Bumseok, Min Young Ki, Shin Young Sook, and others.
Already having received the rookie award for “Mozart!” at the Musical Awards, Junsu became widely known for his strong concentration skills and the amount of effort he puts into his rehearsals.
In a recent meeting at his rehearsal hall, Junsu met with reporters and honestly confessed his thoughts regarding his first ever self named concert.
Thank you for your interest. The pressure of being alone is bigger than ever, being the first concert under my name. This performance was only possible with the support of the director and producers. We’ve aready been rehearsing together for three months now so the level of synchronization with the other actors is as great as ever. We’re all working hard and I believe that we’ll be able to show everyone a great concert.”
The concert seats a 10,000 member audience and began production last May.

شيا جانسو اولين آيدوليه كه قراره به اسمه خودش يه ميوزيكال داشته باشه
شايد اين يكي از دلايل اصليه كه اون الان داره به سختي براي ميوزيكاله 4 روزش كه 7 اكتوبرشروع مي شه  تمرين مي كنه
جانسو قراره  در كناره ستارگان ميوزيكالي همچون سهو بومسوك ، مين يونگ كي ، شين يونگ سوك و ديگران بازي بازي كنه
  با بردن  جابزه ي بهترين بازيگر تازه كار براي ميوزيكاله موتزارت  ، جاسو به خاطره داشتن استعداد خوبش و تلاشه فوق العادش براي تمرين خيلي خوب درخشيده
اون درباره ي اولين كنسرتي كه به اسمه خودشه گفته

به خاطره علاقه ي شما ممنونن اولين كنسرتي كه به اسمه منه فقط با تلاشه و حمايت كارگردان و تهيه كننده ممكن بود ما الان به مدت سه ماه با هم تمرين داشتيم و الان هماهنگي با ديگر بازيگران به بهترين نحوه . ما هممون به سختي تلاش مي كنيم و باور داريم كه  مي توانيم  يه كنسترته فوق العاده برايه همه اجرا كنيم 

اين كنسرت 10.000 تما شاچي  خواهد داشت و از ماهه مي تهيه اون شروع شده

I released a single in Japan in May and this will be the first time I’m performing one of the songs in Korea. The song holds a message of my feelings for my fans.” Junsu’s “Intoxication” is considered one of the highlights of his musical, being the first ever performance in Korea.
Co-producer Yoo Heesung revealed, “‘Mozart!’ was sold out in February and was successfully completed. Junsu’s concert will be like a galla in style where the actors will be able to connect with the audience more as opposed to singing a few songs and going off stage. Levay also fell in love with Kim Junsu’s performance after watching him and has expressed that he would love to produce songs together. He also said that he will be writing a song specifically for Kim Junsu.”
Sylvester Levay is a world famous composer, also having worked on “Mozart!” alongside playwright Michael Kunze.
One member of the musical revealed, “Kim Junsu never misses a day of rehearsal. None of us anticipated too much since he is a famous idol star but he has exceeded all of our expectations. He works very hard.

من يه سينگل توي ژاپن اين مي منتشر كردم و اين اولين باريه كه يكي از اون آهنگا رو تو كره اجرا مي كنم آهنگ پيامي از احساساتم براي  طرفدارانم داره 
 او ن قراره براي اولين بار به وسيله ي اين كنسرت اجرا بشه  “Intoxication”آهنگه

كارگردان " يو ههسونگ" گفته  : موتزارد توي فبريه به فروش رسيد كاملا موفقت آميز بود . كنسرت جانسو در سبكه خ.دش خاص  خواهد بود چون بازيگران مي تونن ارتباطي بهتري با تماشاگران داشته باشن و قراره چند تا آهنگ هم خوانده بشه و از روي سن هم پايين بيان

  بعد از اين كه اجراي جانسو رو ديده Levayهمچنين 

يكي از آهنگساز هاي معروفه كه توي موتزارت هم همكاري داشته
واقعا ازش خوشش اومده  و مي خواهد چند تا آهنگ مخصوصه جانسو تهيه كنهSylvester Levay

يكي از اعضاي ميوزيكال گفته  : جانسو هيچ كدوم از روزاي تمرينو از دست نمي ده . ما از اون انتظار زيادي نداشتيم چون اون يه آيدوله معروفه ، ولي اون بيش از انتظارات ما بود  . اون واقعا خيلي سخت تلاش مي كنه

With so much effort being put into his musical, what meaning does it hold to him? Junsu replied, “A musical is a medium that gives me bravery and strength. It’s not just a stage that allows me to sing and act. It’s not something that I can just lightly accomplish, but rather something that I want to consistently work on into my future.”
The interview concluded with a question on TVXQ and whether he kept in contact with the members. Junsu simply replied, “Each individual member is working hard on his activities. Just watching each other work feels like support in itself.
با اين همه انرژييه كه روي موزيكالش مي ذاره ، موزيكال براش چه معنايي داره ؟ اون جواب داد
موزيكال واسطه اي كه به من قدرت و شهامت مي ده  ، فقط سني نيست كه من روش آواز بخونم و بازي كنم . چيزي نيست كه من مي تونم همين جوري انجامش بدم ، بلكه چيزيه كه من مي خواهم تو آينده هم روش كار كنم

مصاحبه كننده در مورد ارتباطش با بقيه اعضاي دونگيا پرسيد

هر كدوم از اعضا كار خودشونو دارن انجام ميدن و تماشاي كار هر كدومشون مثله يه حمايته  

Source + Photos: World Journal

وووووه بالا خره  تموم شد
تا حالا ترجمه نكرده بودم خيلي وقت گرفت

پس نطر در حد يه تشكر يادتون نره 

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