
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tohoshinki, with 5 DVDs Ranked in Top 10, Acquired the Record Created by Michael Jackson

ركورد شكني هاي گروهه تي وي اكس كيو همچنان ادامه داره
اين دفعه اين گروهه  ركورده مايكل جكسونو تو ژاپن شكسته 
دو تا دي وي دي جديده اين گروه كه هر دو29 سپتامبر منتشر شده تو رده بندي فروشه دي وي دي ها تو ژاپن اول و دوم شده
و سه تا از دي وي دي هاي قديميه اين گروه هم به ترتيب رده هاي 4 و 5 و 6 و كسب كردن 
به اين ترتيب 5 تا از دي وي دي هاشون به طور هم زمان تو تاپ 10 رده بندي هست
 دونگيا قبل از اين هم ركورده  بان جووي ، التن جان ، بيتلز رو شكستن

The popular group Tohoshinki, whose activities are currently suspended, has achieved new a record for DVD ranking that the late Michael Jackson created. Their new DVDs "TOHOSHINKI History in JAPAN SPECIAL" and "Zoom In shika Shiranai Tohoshinki DVD" (both released on 9/29) sold a total of 63,000 copies and 53,000 copies respectively, ranking first & third place on the DVD chart of the week of 10/11. Besides, 3 of their old DVDs also ranked 4th-6th on the weekly chart. Not only do they have 5 items ranked on the chart, but they have also achieved the record which Michael Jackson created in the week 7/20 of 2009 of having 5 music DVDs entering the Top 10 chart at the same time.

The DVDs are their third releases after the release of "4th LIVE TOUR 2009~The Secret Code~FINAL in TOKYO DOME" on 10/12/2009 and "TOHOSHINKI VIDEO CLIP COLLECTION-THE ONE-" on 3/29/2010. Their previous work "TOHOSHINKI VIDEO CLIP~" helped them to surpass The Beatles and Led Zeppelin to acquire the record of being the foreign artist who rank first on the chart the most in history; and with the record this time, they keep updating their history of records furthermore.


Source: Oricon
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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