
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

J.Y.J open new site for Korean showcase, includes video teaser!

يه خبر خوب
گروهه جه واي جي يه سايت مخصوصه برنامه اي كه قراره تو سئول اجرا كنن باز كردن
اين گروهه قراره يه كنسرت تو چند تا از كشور هاي جهان اجرا كنن و مبدأ شم سئوله
اين كنسرت 6 روزه ديگست و اولين آلبومه جهانيشون هم تو همون روز منتشر مي شه
خيلي سايته باحاليه يه ساعت شمار داره تا روزه كنسرت
وقتي هم كه سايت باز مي شه يه ويدئو كوچولو بخش مي شه  با يه تيكه آهنگ

من كه خيليييييييييييييييييييي خوشم اومد واي فقط 6 روز
راستي داشت اصل كاري يادم مي رفت  اينم سايت

J.Y.J has recently launched a new site at for the Seoul stop of their “New Album Showcase Tour 2010“.  The tour will aim to highlight and promote the release of their upcoming global album, “The Beginning“.
On October 12th, the trio will begin their world showcase tour at Korea University’s Hwaseong Tiger Dome with two shows at 6 pm and 9 pm, and the new site is just for this showcase in South Korea.  The site has many cool features for fans, including everything from a countdown clock to photos to directions.
Perhaps most importantly though, a high definition video teaser is also included.


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