
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top 5 Female Beasts' A .b .s

مي دونين كه بحثه اين كه  كي بهترين عضلاته شكمو داره تو كره خيلي رايجه هم برا پسرا هم دخترا
الان يه خبر هم اومده راجع به همين
كي بهترين عضلاته شكمو بينه دخترا داره
برين ادامه تا 5 نفره برترو ببينين

This ab trend/fever is not only for male stars. There are a lot of female stars who are proud of their abs. They, too, exercise steadily to make chocolate abs that split into six.
 Son Dambi
 Son Dambi, who had a recent jeans advertisement that showed off her abs, gathers alot attention.
 سون دامبي توي آخرين تبليغي كه برايه شلوار هاي جين انجام داده عضلاتشو تو اون عكسا نشون داده و توجه زيادي رو به خودش جلب كرده . الان هم براي اجراي جديد ترين آهنگشم عضلاتش. نش.ن داده
Park Gahee
Park Gahee was BoA's back-up dancer before debuting and even then she gained attention with her strong abs and eye-catching appearance. 
پارك گاهي قبل از اين كه كارشو شروع كنه از رقاص ها ي بوآ بوده و تو همون زماي هم توجه هاي زيادي به عضلاته شكمش جلب شده

Yoon JooYoung

Talent Yoon JooYoung showed off her sexy abs through the magazine 'Maxim'. Through that picture, she gained the nickname 'Korea's Jessica Alba' and was born a star.
 نشون داده و لقب " جسيكا آلباي كره " رو بهش دادن'Maxim'اين يكي رو نمي شناسم ولي عضلاته شكمشو تو مجله ي
Kim Junhee

Through online shopping malls and magazines, she showed off her perfect abs. It is unbelievable that she has such a good body at an age of 30.
اينم نمي شناسم ولي با اين كه 30 سالشه بدن خيلي قشنگه


From all the female idol groups, she has the best abs. Her solo track 'Change' shows off her abs, too.  
هيون ها هم تو آهنگ سولوي خودش شكمشو نشون داد 

نمي دونم اين خبر تا چه حد درسته ولي بايد لي هيو ري حتما تو اين بهترين ها باشه
نظر شما چيه؟ 

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