Thursday, September 23, 2010

[Pic] T . E . E . N TOP, 'Have a enriched and happy Chuseok'

گروهه تين تاپ هم عكساشونو با هنبوك منتشر كردن و برا همه چوسوكه خوبي آرزو كردن
برين ادامه تا اين گروهو تو لباس ها هانبوك ببينين
همراهه عكسا  چند تا پيغام هم فرستادن

약 두 달전 EP 음반 '컴 인투 더 월드‘(Come Into The World)를 발표하고 활동 중인 신인그룹 틴탑이 가수가 된 뒤 처음 맞는 명절 추석을 앞두고 한복을 곱게 차려입고 머니투데이 스타뉴스 독자들에게 인사를 하고 있다
After around 2 months of their activities with the album 'Come Into The World', this is the first time for TEEN TOP to hit the Chuseok (Thanksgiving) Holiday after debut. They're greeting the readers of 'Money Today Star News' using their hanbok (korean traditional clothes).

[★포토]틴탑 '한가위 즐겁게 보내세요'
[★Photo] TEEN TOP, 'Please have a fun holiday.'

 [★포토]틴탑 '데뷔 첫 명절, 휴가 같아요'
[★Photo] TEEN TOP, 'Our first holiday after debut, sounds like a vacation.'

 [★포토]틴탑 캡 '추석 인사 받으세요~'
[★Photo] TEEN TOP's C.A.P, 'Receive my Chuseok greeting~'

[★포토]틴탑 니엘 '행복한 한가위 되세요'
[★Photo] TEEN TOP's Niel, 'Have a happy holiday'


[★포토]틴탑 천지 '여러분 사랑해요!'
[★Photo] TEEN TOP's Chunji, 'I love everyone!'

[★포토]틴탑 엘조 '추석인사도 엣지 있게!'
[★Photo] TEEN TOP's L.Joe, 'An edgy Chuseok greeting!'


[★포토]틴탑 리키 '행복한 추석 되세요'
[★Photo] TEEN TOP's Ricky, 'Have a happy Chuseok'

 ★포토]틴탑 창조 '후덕한 미소로 추석인사'
[★Photo] TEEN TOP's Changjo, 'A Chuseok greeting with a virtuous smile' 

 Source : StarNews
Credit : Garlic Jumper
Trans by Dianapetrina@6TEENSONTOP.COM
Take out with full credits.

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