
Thursday, September 9, 2010

[News] TOHOSHINKI to Have Comeback?! Korean Music K-POP Takes Over Music Distribution

 يه خبر خيييييييييييييليييييييييييي خوب
من كه وقتي ديدن نزديك بود جيغ بكشم
تي وي اكس كيو يا همون دونگيا قراره سال بعد 5 نفره برگردن
واي اين خيلي عاليه
البته متاسفانه بازم قراره تو ژاپن برگردن ولي اين طور كه بوش مي آد به زودي هم خبرايي در باره ي بازگشت 5 نفره به كره در بياد
من كه نمي دونم چه طور تا اون روز صبر كنم تا اون روز صبر كنم
for english full text read more

Lately in Japan’s music industry Korean Pop (K-POP) artists have been
bringing a new wave.
Not just in Korea but even in Japan Tohoshinki made a big break and as
if to continue to it, from last year BIG BANG, Chou Shin Sei (Supernova), and other male idols have been debuting in Japan. Followed by Girls Generation, KARA, and other female idol groups have been debuting this summer in Japan as well.
In the future, it seems not to be exaggerated to say that there will be even more chances to see K-POP artists once you turn on the TV.
“Various parties have been pushing it hard to market K-POP artists in Japan. Currently they seem to have won a lot of tie-up agreements ranging from CM song, anime theme song, even to drama theme song.”
As said by a staff who knows many domestic musics distributions in Japan.
“Currently one of the biggest place you can buy music from in Japan like TSUTAYA, already made bigger sections inside the store for Enka, idol, anime, and K-POP. A time may come that stores that sale J-POP may become rare.”

Also another music industry staff said “Actually, from next year Tohoshinki is going to start their activities as a 5 members group again. But due to copyright problems they can only do their activities inside Korea, but it is certain that they will boost K-POP popularity even more”
A day when we realize that even local music programs will feature more K-POP artists…. perhaps such day is not so far away.

source: Cyzo
trans: Rieko@sharingyoochun

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