
Monday, September 27, 2010

[News] Rain Might Join Army Next Year

رين توي مصاحبه ي مطبوعاتي كه براي آخرين سريالش داشت علام كرد كه سال آينده به سربازي مي ره
مثل اين كه بعد از تمام شدن اين سريال قراره توي يه فيلم بازي كنه وبعد از اون بره سربازي ولي هنوز هيچ تاريخي مشخص نشده

Hallyu star, Rain revealed his future plans today at the press conference for his upcoming drama, “Runaway (Plan B).”
The actor/singer reported that he might join the army next year for mandatory service. He also informed those at the conference that a movie about combat planes will be in the works after the drama series. There are still no exact dates for the movie and army entry.
On the other hand, the upcoming television series, “Runway (Plan B)" starring Rain and Lee Na Young will debut on September 29th.

Source: Newsen
credits: Soompi

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