هستA ویکتوریا بعد از 24 سال فهمید گروه خونیش
It was revealed that f(x)’s charismatic member Victoria had the wrong information about her blood type up until now.On May, talented girl group f(x) released their new song NU ABO where they explained that the meaning behind the title Nu ABO refers to a new blood type apart from A, B, O or AB. Not long after NU ABO was released, f(x) appeared as guests for a radio program where they explained this song title’s meaning and talked about their own blood types.
When asked about her blood type Victoria replied, “Up until now I thought my blood type was O. However, recently we were promotional representatives for blood donation services and got our blood tested where I found out I was actually an A.” Regarding Victoria who for 24 years had the wrong information about her own blood type netizens responded, “She seems a bit out of it but she’s still cute,” and “Please reveal clearly from now on that your blood type is A.”
Meanwhile, last June f(x) members attended the 7th anniversary World Blood Donation Day event at Seoul’s Sejong Cultural Center.
به تازگی معلوم شده ویکتوریا از گروه اف اکس تا الان اطلاعات غلطی رو درباره ی گروه خونیش می دونسته
این گروه بعد از این که آهنگ جدیدشونو با اسم «نیو ای بی او » که معنیش اشاره داره به گروه خونی جدیدی برای نسل جدید منتشر کردند در یک برتامه ی رادیو یی شرکت کردن که تو اون در بارهی گروه خونی هر کدوم صحبت شده
وقتی از ویکتوریا درباره ی گروه خونیش پرسیدن اون گفت که تا الان فکر می کرده که گروه خونیش او هست ولی بعد از این که برای اهدای خون رفته بود فهمیده که گروه خونیش ای هست
بامزست آدم بعد از 24 سال بفهمه گروه خونیش یه چیز دیگست مگه نه ؟؟؟
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