
Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Web Drama "[haru]~ Aru Ichinichi no Monogatari"

In late September, on 2010 Korean Tourism Interactive Campaign Site, a web drama called "[haru]~ Aru Hi no Monogatari" will be broadcast. The drama, which starred 10 Hallyu stars, will convey the current image of Korea via different characters such as script writer and action star, etc.
Beside from depicting the beautiful landscapes, the drama will portray a priceless "one day" that each of the characters encounter by chance.
※ [haru] in Korean means "one day"

The main story involves around a script writer named Da Hae. During a span of one day, different things will be developing - the triangle love between Lee Da Hae, Yunho and Kim Bum; the comical episode between main characters in the drama that Da Hae works on Lee Chae Young and Park Si Hoo; and the story of BIG BANG who go all the way to a school in the mountain in order to protect a promise they made with fans.

Actors - Roles
BIG BANG - Energetic idol stars
Yunho - Romatic yet touch action star
Han Chae Young - Sexy stylist
Park Si Hoo - Cute and playful fancafe's manager
Lee Da Hae - Beautiful scriptwriter
Kim Bum - Warm and sensitive photographer

خوب راستشو بگم خودمم دقيق نفهميدم موضوع از چه قراره 
به نظر مي رسه يه سايت كره اي گردشگري يه سريال ساخته كه مثل اين كه از همون سايت هم قراره پخش بشه
توي اين سريال شخصيت هاي مختلف تصويري از كره با مناظر زيباش به نماش مي گذارن 
و بيگ بنگ توش بازي مي كننTVXQ خبر مهم اين كه يونهو از
Source: Gyao
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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