
Monday, August 30, 2010

Jaejoong and Junsu to sing for ‘Sungkyunkwan Scandal’ OST

بازم سلام دوباره با دونگی ها برگشتم ببخشید اگه زیاد از اونا پست می کنم خودتون به بزرگیتون مارو ببخشید خوب چه کنیم دیگه نمی شه حرف دلو گوش نکرد
ادامه یادتون نره بخونبن

The much anticipated ‘Sungkyunkwan Scandal‘ starring TVXQ’s Micky Yoochun will have something else for us to look foward to.
To support their fellow group member, Jaejoong and Junsu have participated in the Sungkyunkwan Scandal’s OST.
Representatives stated, “Jaejoong and Xiah Junsu have participated in the OST. The two of them will showcase their own colors through their different style of music.  Jaejoong and Junsu have recorded one song each, but the title song for the drama has not been decided.  Also, Micky Yoochun will not sing a solo song.”
Park Sung Il, the music PD, has praised Jaejoong and Junsu, saying, “Xiah Junsu sings very well naturally, and Youngwoong Jaejoong is getting the chance to rediscover himself through the songs. They sing surprisingly well for idol singers.”
The trio has shown a special friendship, which garnered the attention of many fans. Especially, Xiah Junsu, who brought chicken for the entire staff during filming, showing his loyalty to Yoochun.
‘Sungkyunkwan Scandal’ marks Yoochun’s acting debut, and the story revolves around four youths who attend Sungkyunkwan University.  This drama will air on August 30th through KBS.

خوب احتمالا خیلی ها توب می دونین که میکی از دونگی ها قراره تو یه سریال بازی کنه البته بازی شو کرده قراره الان پخش بشه  
حالا خبر های جدیدی اومده که جونسو و جه جونگ قراره برای این سریال آهنگ بخونن تا دوست و هم گروهشونم حمابت کنن
جونسو وجه جونگ هر کدوم یه اهنگ ضبط کردن ولی هنوز معلوم نیست که اهنگ اصلی برای سریال چیه

وای خیلی خوش حالم بعد از این همه قراره کره ای بخونن
کاش به زودی باهمه گروه یه البوم کره ای بزنن

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